Audacity i mp3

Vull editar uns fitxers mp3 procedents d'una gravadora de veu i l'Audacity que porta la Linkat 3 no reconeix el format mp3 ni per llegir ni per escriure.
Com ho puc fer per tenir suport mp3 en l'Audacity?
Els còdecs els tinc tots instal·lats.

Josep Anton Clua
A la Linkat 2.1 l'Audacity importa i exporta MP3 sense problema.
Remenant pels fòrums he trobat aquesta entrada al wiki de Audacity (
Sembla que si es refa el paquet amb libmad i suport per mp3 en la compilació, tot ha de funcionar be.
Per què no prepareu el paquet i actualitzem els Audacity?

MP3 Import and Export

* If you see the message "Audacity was compiled without MP3 support" when trying to import an MP3, this means you do not have libmad installed. To fix this, install libmad (including development packages) before compiling Audacity. Once libmad is installed, compile with libmad and you should see a message like this at the end of ./configure, indicating that libmad has been found and Audacity built with MP3 import support:

Finished configure:

with libresample
with libid3tag
with libmad <<<
with LADSPA plug-ins
with Nyquist plug-ins
with vorbis
with portmixer
with portaudio v18
with soundtouch
with help

* MP3 export requires you to have the LAME package already installed. For help, see the Linux section of our LAME instructions. There is a known problem that when exporting MP3s, Audacity release builds look for "". However, the normal symlink is "". The "" target is only available if users install packages for software development or build LAME from source code. This is now fixed in our development source code. If you need to, simply rename "" to "" (that is, add a dot and a zero) to have Audacity accept it.

* A few users of Audacity 1.3 packages supplied by their distributions have reported that they don't have an MP3 option in the "Save as type" dropdown after clicking File > Export, or that the MP3 option is only available with Export Multiple. See this thread on our Audacity forum. If this is the case, either the package has not been built correctly, or has been compiled with MP3 support disabled. A few distributions take this view for licensing reasons. You can verify the position by clicking Help > About Audacity and looking at the "Build Information" tab. This is independent of whether LAME exists on the system, and depends on the options when Audacity was compiled. If you have installed an Audacity package compiled without MP3 support, look for an alternative package, or compile Audacity from our source code.

per temes de llicències van incloure la versió d'OpenSuse. Per importar MP3 pots fer la instal·lació de la versió de Packman:

Aquesta versió et permet importar els MP3.


Editat per: pablo.vigo, 28/Octubre/2009 - 11:25

Projecte Linkat
Gràcies, ho provaré en quant tingui una estoneta.

A tall de proposta, perquè no l'afegiu a la pàgina wiki on es baixen el còdecs, k3b,...? L'Audacity és un molt bon editor d'àudio, i si es pot tenir fàcilment en versió que editi mp3 tothom ho agrairem molt.


Josep Anton Clua
Ok, ho tindrem present.

Gràcies per comentar el problema.


Projecte Linkat
Gràcies, ha funcionat perfectament i s'ha instal·lat i funcionat a la primera.

Josep Anton Clua
Aquí teniu l'enllaç a la wikilinkat que explica com solucionar el problema: